The Top Wood Stain Colors Of 2020
First impressions are everything. When someone is selling their house, or if they are entertaining, the quality and color of their deck can make it or break it. Finding the right wood stain color for a deck used to be hard - back and forth to the hardware store with chips and samples. Now you can do it all online and order the color directly to your door. To find the best wood stain colors and deck stains for your wood deck or patio in 2020 check out our color selections below, and then use our Deck Stain Visualizer to see what your deck will look like before you even leave the couch!

Top Wood Stain Colors

Top Wood Stain Colors
Top Wood Stain Colors
Trending right now in the world of wood stain colors are blue and green deck stains. Reflecting light and the nature that surrounds them, blues and greens can really bring an impactful tone and atmosphere to a home. White homes paired with Blue Decks look fun and spunky while natural tone houses paired with a deep green or a sage look inviting and grounded. Check out these gorgeous blue and green wood stain colors.

Top Wood Stain Colors

Top Wood Stain Colors
Top Wood Stain Colors
The classic look of a ruddy colored deck is something that cannot be denied. Gorgeous, timeless, and easy to match with almost any style of home - red and brown deck stain colors really can make your property look fantastic. Check out some of the wood stain colors below for inspiration.

Top Wood Stain Colors 2020

Top Wood Stain Colors 2020
Top Wood Stain Colors
In the end, finding the wood stain color that is right for you is a pretty subjective experience. Whether its a deep blue, a natural green, or a rustic red - the right wood stain color is out there. You just have to look for it. Click the link below to see all of our gorgeous wood stain color families, and happy hunting for your next stain color!