Whitewash Wood Stain

Whitewashing wood stain will give your wood an antique look. This 3-step process adds visual interest to wood furniture, floors and walls.

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Whitewash Wood Stain - Step 1: Stain
Whitewash Wood Stain - Step 1: Stain

Whitewash Wood Stain

Whitewash Wood Stain

Step 1: Stain

First, stain your wood with whatever color you want. Whitewashing will allow the stain color to show through and add visual depth.

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Whitewash Wood Stain - Step 2: Paint
Whitewash Wood Stain - Step 2: Paint

Whitewash Wood Stain

Whitewash Wood Stain

Step 2: Paint

To whitewash wood stain, brush a 2 to 1 lighter paint/water mixture on the wood. Always brush in the direction of the wood grain.

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Whitewash Wood Stain - Step 3: Finish
Whitewash Wood Stain - Step 3: Finish

Whitewash Wood Stain

Whitewash Wood Stain

Step 3: Finish

While the whitewash is still wet, use a clean rag to lightly wipe off some paint, working in the direction of the wood grain. 

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