Wood Stain Colors You Will Love
Whether you have an old or new wood deck, maintaining it is necessary. A well-maintained deck gives your home a beautiful and relaxing feel. You can bring your neglected deck back to life today with a great coat of wood stain. Redecorating your deck not only involves choosing the right products for your deck but also the wood stain colors you choose for it. Wood staining is one of the best things you can do to bring your deck back to life.
Maintaining Your Deck
Wood Stain Colors
When you neglect a deck for a long time, it not only starts to look ugly but the materials also break down. The main purpose of wood staining is to preserve the deck to give it a longer life. However, while you stain your deck, it is also important to give it a look that you will not get tired of. You do this by selecting the best wood stain colors.
There are many wood stain colors in the market today. Here are the four best wood stain colors to choose from.
Best Solid Color Wood Stains
Wood Stain Colors
Solid wood stain colors Solid Color wood stains are opaque in nature. These types of stain colors are best for your wood because they provide a high amount of protection for the surface of your deck. When it comes to the beauty, they are gorgeous. They bring out the wood’s texture. This is because they allow the wood to show its texture through that rich, opaque color. Solid wood stains come in many different solid colors to choose from. You can choose from the variety depending on your favorite colors.
Best Semi-Transparent Wood Stain Colors
Wood Stain Colors
Semi-transparent stains are rich in natural oils. The natural oils bring out the woods natural grain. This allows the wood’s texture and natural grain to show through the rich, subtle colors. Semi-solid wood stain colors provide almost the same effect. However, in semi-solid stain, the wood grain is hidden just a little bit, but the natural texture still shows. They are suitable for wood with deficiencies. These rich colors of wood stain enhance the color of your deck.
Wood Stain Colors
Best Clear Wood Finishes
Wood Stain Colors
As the name suggests, clear sealants are transparent. They allow the wood grain to show its beauty. One of the best qualities of these colors of wood stain is their waterproof properties. A clear waterproof sealant provides protection for your wood from mildew, mold and other organisms that grow on wood. They provide beauty as well as making your deck to have a longer life. Clear sealants go well on cider, pressure treated wood, and redwood.
Best Deck Resurfacer Colors
Wood Stain Colors
Deck resurfacers are most suitable for decks that are worn out. If you have a deck that has been there for a very long time and now it is cracking, or the wood is almost breaking apart, this product is for you. They provide durability for your worn out deck. They provide a coating to restore your wood.
The coating is capable of penetrating up to 1/4 inch into cracks on your wood and fills it fully. This helps to strengthen the wood. They are opaque in nature. They also help to hide all the imperfections on your wood. Resurfacers provide maximum protection for your wood when applied correctly.
Apart from protecting and restoring your wood, Deck resurfacers also provide a beautiful texture on the surface. They provide beauty for your deck while hiding the imperfections on your wood. They are a great choice to restore your old deck and bring it back to life.
They come with different shades to choose from such as browns and blacks, grays, blues, creams and whites among other wood stain colors.
Wood Stain Colors
Compare & Contrast
Wood Stain Colors
It is important to compare and contrast the different colors available in the market to see which one will suit your deck best. The type of wood you have on your deck should be a guide to help you choose the right stain colors. If you want to enrich the texture of your wood, then you should choose the wood stain colors that are solid to give the wood a denser look. If your deck is old and you want to hide its imperfections, then you should choose the wood stain colors that do just that.